The resources is a notebook with accompanying sheets to use in making the links between the characters in Holes. It will help children to create an inter-connecting web of how the characters are all linked. The second sheet helps children to infer which items/ characters are important and why? It will help them to develop a deeper understanding of the authors thought process in using the items to help bind the story together.
“Holes” by Louis Sacher Year 6 SATs style questions: this fabulous resource contains eight sets of 3 marker questions related to making inferences about characters feelings, thoughts, actions and motives from the detailes stated and implied. Guided Reading/ text analysis resource. Designed for a Year 6 class, but will provide challenge for any year group in KS2/ KS3/KS4. The can easily be used for Year 4/5/7/8/9.
This double page worksheet can be used to teach about adjectival and prepositional phrases; including expanded noun phrases. These worksheets are linked to the book Holes by Louis Sacher.
This double worksheet has e made to teach about capital letters, full stops and conjunctions to extend sentences. It is linked the the Holes text by Louis Sacher.
This mat is a double sided resources consisting of useful debate language sentence openers, emotive lanaguge (both positive and negative) and cohesive lanaguge. Can be used with KS2 children or higher.
This set of two worksheets has been created for children learning about emotive language. The worksheets are differentiated into two abilities. These can be used with children in KS2 or KS3 when looking at persuasive writing. The activity enables children to become familiar with emotive vocabulary to broaden their knowledge of this language feature and allow them to adopt these in their own writing. Both positive and negative emotive language is covered in the activity.
This is aimed at Year 6 children. It is in a comprehensive selection of comprehension questions tailored towards a class taught session on the Polar Regions using the book “Ice Trap!” . The pack includes four sheets of questions all adressing the range of skills Year 6 will encounter in the SATs Papers. It come in one ability range, but is easily differeniated to meet the needs of GDS children. It covers a range of obectives listed below:
Can I distinguish between statemets that are true and false?
Can I answer retrieval and inference questions about the story?
Can I infer characters’ thoughts, feelings and motives from details stated and implied?
Can I evaluate author’s choice of lanaguge and its impact on the audience?
Can I provide reasoned justifications?